If you are a college student, you probably feel like you have problems that you cannot explain to other people. This is an age when youngsters are extremely emotional and energetic. Adolescents tend to feel emotions at a high level. Emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, stress, and anxiety are at their all-time high.
These feelings might begin to overwhelm you at some point in time. What you need to understand is that whatever problems you have right now are just a part of the phase that you are in and it will end when you are a mature adult.
Almost all youngsters have a lot on their plate. The age of 18 to 25 is the time when an adolescent has to make a set of decisions that will probably determine the rest of their lives. Where they choose to study, what they choose to study, their grades and their first job are all determinants of what the future of that individual will be like.
All of this can scare an adolescent a lot. Why would it not scare them? They are forced to feel the pressure of doing everything right, or else they will wind up with a middle-classed life and nowadays, money is made to look like a necessity.
Not only do college students have to worry about the decisions that they take in life, they even have to worry about tests, presentations, deadlines, and assignments. How many times a week have you asked yourself how will I Do My Assignment on time? Or how will I go to work on a test night?
If you are a mature adult, these problems might seem very insignificant to you. However, these problems cause a lot of students to witness the feeling of stress, anxiety, tiredness, and demotivation. These four feelings can severely sadden an adolescent. What good is it if they are not satisfied with their lives?
More so, they even have to face peer pressure, maintain friendships, socialize, and whatnot. All of these problems combine to form an unstable and demotivated adolescent.
Here are a few common problems that are witnessed by students from the age of 18 to 24:
• Disorganization/feeling overwhelmed
• Eating right and staying healthy
• Failing to manage money
• Failing to network
• Homesickness
• Not resolving relationship issues
• Poor grades/not studying or reading enough
• Poor sleep habits
• Skipping classes
• Wasting time/procrastinating
In the rest of the article, we will dive into a discussion about a few interventions. Students can use these to reduce the negative impacts of the problems they face:
Home Sickness
To overcome homesickness, you should try spending more time on your campus so that you get familiar with the feeling of being there. Once you are familiar with being on campus, you will not miss home that much. You need to make friends feel like you are at home and to make friends, you must be socially active when it comes to campus events.
Staying Healthy
You need to monitor your diet and exercise so that you can have a good time on campus and also achieve your goals. Your body needs to be healthy to work at its full potential.
Sleep Patterns
Your sleep pattern plays a great role in the performance of your mind. If you are not sleeping enough, you will end up feeling absent-minded in class and you might find yourself being unable to concentrate in class. You will also end up compromising your schedule if you are getting insufficient hours to sleep.
Strained Relationships
This is an age where individuals tend to experiment with romanticizing relationships which often leads to heartbreaks. Feeling low or feeling some sort of resentment towards someone will lead you to be distracted from your goals. It is best that you come to terms with any unresolved relationships or seek help if you feel like you cannot get through it alone.
Skipping Classes
Not wanting to go to class is one of the most recurring feelings among students. Going to the same place every day to register information can become boring and dry. But you need to understand that you have spent money on the information that those teachers are giving out in class. So you need to come to terms with going to class.
Almost every college student has a set monthly budget to spend on their requirements such as rent, transport, food, clothes, etc. Every student needs to manage their budget effectively because a lot of things are dependent on it. If you do not spend wisely and run out of cash before the month ends, you will find yourself feeling stressed.